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Vietnamese idioms

Common Vietnamese idioms about fishes

In this post, Tiếng Việt 24h would like to introduce to you the lesson : Common Vietnamese idioms about fishes.

Common Vietnamese idioms about fishes

Common Vietnamese idioms about fishes

Cá lớn nuốt cá bé

Meaning : Describing the situation where the strong bully the weak.

Example : Hắn ta ỷ mình chức cao mà luôn hiếp đáp những người dưới quyền, đúng là “cá lớn nuốt cá bé”. (Relying on his high position, he always bully people with lower position than him, like “the big fish eats small fish”)

Cá mè một lứa

Meaning : See each other at the same rank, regardless of higher or lower position. It is similar to the idiom “Dogs of the same street bark alike”.

Example : Vô ích thôi, bọn họ đều là “cá mè một lứa” cả, có nói với ai cũng không giúp ích được gì đâu. (It’s no use, “dogs of same street bark alike”, so talking to anyone of them won’t help at all.)

Bắt cá hai tay

Meaning : Betting both opposite sides. It is similar to the idiom “To run after 2 horses”.

Example : Hắn ta đúng là đồ bắt cá hai tay, hắn ta hẹn hò với hai người cùng một lúc. (He runs after 2 horses, he is dating with two girls at the same time.)

Như cá gặp nước

Meaning : Find a person or environment that suits you best (to be in one’s element).

Example : Anh gặp được em “như cá gặp nước” vậy. (I have been in my element since I met you.)

Chim sa cá lặn

Meaning : Describing a very beautiful woman.

Example : Cô ấy có một vẻ đẹp “chim sa cá lặn”. (She is so beautiful.)

Kén cá chọn canh

Meaning : Someone is too picky.

Example : Khi yêu đừng quá “kén cá chọn canh”, nếu không bạn sẽ không có được một tình yêu thực sự. (Don’t be so picky when loving, otherwise you won’t get a true love.)

Cá nằm trên thớt

Meaning : Falling into a dangerous situation and not knowing when to die. It is similar to the idiom “Fish on the chopping board, head on the block”

Example : Mọi bằng chứng chống lại ông ta, ông ta bây giờ như “cá nằm trên thớt”. (All the evidence against him, he is now like fish on the chopping board, head on the block.)

Cá chậu chim lồng

Meaning : Being in captivity (a life with loss of freedom).

Example : Mặc dù cưới được người chồng giàu có nhưng cô ấy phải sống trong cảnh “cá chậu chim lồng”. (Although she get married with a rich man, she is now in captivity.)

Some other Vietnamese idioms about fishes

Có cá đổ vạ cho cơm

Meaning : Someone initially did not want to eat rice because there is no fish, but when there are fishes, he / she still refused to eat rice and blamed for hard rice.

Lòng chim dạ cá

Meaning : Referring to those who are ambidexterous.

Example : Trước đây hắn đã được mọi người giúp đỡ rất nhiều, vậy mà giờ đây hắn lại vờ như không quen biết họ, lại còn cố tình hãm hại họ, đúng là kẻ “lòng chim dạ cá”. (He was helped a lot by everyone before, but now he pretends not to know them, and even tries to harm them. He is ambidexterous.)

Thịt cá là hương hoa, tương cà là gia bản

Meaning : The flashiness is just covering up the appearance, the basic is to maintain the nature of a stable family life.

Cá vàng bụng bọ

Meaning : Referring to those who have good apperance but evil mind.

Hàng tôm hàng cá

Meaning : Referring to those who quarrel with each other pettyly.

Cá chuối đắm đuối vì con

Meaning : It means that parents suffer all difficulties and forget themselves to raise their children.

Above is : Common Vietnamese idioms about fishes. Find out more similar posts in category : Vietnamese idioms

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