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Basic Vietnamese

Conjunctions in Vietnamese

In this post, Tiengviet24h will introduce to you: Conjunctions in Vietnamese. Let’s start!

Conjunctions in Vietnamese

What are conjunctions?

– Conjunctions are words used to connect words of the same function in a clause, or to connect clauses of the same type, or to connect the main clause and the subordinate clause.

– There are two types of conjunctions: Coordinating conjunctions and subordinating conjunctions.

Some common conjunctions in Vietnamese

Coordinating conjunctions

– Coordinating conjunctions are used to connect words or clauses that are grammatically equal.

– Coordinating conjunctions are placed between words or clauses which they connect.

– Some common coordinating conjunctions in Vietnamese: và (and), với (with), hay (or), hoặc (or), rồi (then), nhưng (but), lẫn (both), cũng như / cũng như là (as well as),…

Subordinating conjunctions

– Subordinating conjunctions are used to connect the subordinate clause and the main clause in a sentence.

– Subordinating conjunctions are placed at the beginning of the subordinate clause.

– Some common subordinating conjunctions: vì (because), bởi vì (because), nếu (if), thì (then), tuy (though), mặc dù (although), hễ (whenever), khi (when), trong khi (whereas, while),…

Make sentences with conjunctions

Tớ và cậu ấy là bạn thân của nhau.
He and I are best friends.

Mau đánh răng rồi đi ngủ đi.
Brush your teeth and then go to bed.

Mặc dù mai là ngày lễ, mình vẫn phải đi làm.
Although tomorrow is a holiday, I still have to go to work.

Cả bố tớ lẫn mẹ tớ đều đồng ý cho tớ đi du học.
Both my father and my mother agreed to let me study abroad.

Cậu muốn uống trà hay nước ngọt?
Which would you like to drink, tea or soft drinks?

Dạo gần đây, hễ trời mưa là đường lại ngập nước.
Lately, whenever it rains, the road gets flooded.

Cái áo này đẹp mà mắc quá.
This shirt is beautiful but too expensive.

Cậu ấy tuy rất tốt bụng nhưng không phải mẫu người tớ thích.
He’s very kind but not my type.

Vì thư viện đóng cửa nên tôi về nhà.
Because the library was closed, I went home.

Trong khi mọi người đều đang tất bật dọn dẹp nhà cửa thì cậu ấy lại ngồi xem tivi.
While everyone was busy cleaning the house, he watched TV.

Họ đang tích cực tìm ra nguyên nhân cũng như là giải pháp để khắc phục tình trạng kẹt xe ở khu vực này.
They are actively finding out the causes as well as the solutions to overcome traffic jams in this area.

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