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Vietnamese grammar

How to use con in Vietnamese – Vietnamese grammar

Hello everyone! In this post, we would like to introduce you to the lesson : How to use con in Vietnamese – Vietnamese grammar.

How to use con in Vietnamese - Vietnamese grammar

Position in sentence :

Is a classifying noun placed before a noun that indicates animals.

Meaning and example :

Meaning: “Con” refers to each individual in a group of animals.


+ It is important to distinguish between the noun “con” and the classifying noun “con”.

Example: My cat just gave birth to 4 kittens. (Con1 is a classifying noun, con2 is a noun)

+ “Con” refers to each individual in a group of animals, “cái” refers to each individual in a group of inanimate things.

+ We can use the form “cái + con” to express dissatisfaction with the animal mentioned before.

+ The classifying noun “con” is also used with nouns indicating things that are seen as animals because their activity or forms are similar to animals such as: con tim, con đường, con thuyền, con suối…


Có một con cá vàng đang bơi trong bể.
There is a goldfish swimming in the tank.

Con chó đó dữ lắm nên đừng lại gần nó.
That dog is very aggressive, so don’t go near it.

Nhà tôi có nuôi một con mèo rất dễ thương.
I have a very cute cat.

Cái con chó nhà hàng xóm cứ sủa liên tục nên tôi không thể tập trung học bài được.
The neighbor’s dog keeps barking, so I can’t concentrate on studying.

Con đường này dẫn lên núi.
This road leads to the mountain.

Con sông này đã bị ô nhiễm quá nặng rồi.
This river has been polluted so badly.

Con dao này rất bén nên khi dùng phải hết sức cẩn thận.
This knife is very sharp, so be careful when using it.

Một con mắt của tôi bị đau.
One of my eyes hurts.

See other Vietnamese grammar structures in category : vietnamese grammar

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