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Vietnamese grammar

How to use lắm in Vietnamese – Vietnamese grammar

Hello everyone! In this post, we will introduce to you the lesson: How to use lắm in Vietnamese – Vietnamese grammar.

How to use lắm in Vietnamese - Vietnamese grammar

Usage 1:

Position in sentence :

Is an adjective placed before nouns.

Meaning and example :

Meaning: Indicates a large amount according to the speaker.

Note: We can use the following forms:

– lắm + noun / word of degree

– lắm lúc / lắm khi

– “lắm” can be used after some active / stative verbs, conveys a negative meaning

– …cho lắm (vào); …cho lắm để…, …cho lắm để rồi…

– … (cho) lắm thì cũng… : Expresses the maximum capability of someone, even though he keeps trying to do better


Cậu có lắm áo đầm thế.
You have so many dresses.

Hắn ta đúng là lắm lời.
He is very talkative.

Người lắm tiền chưa chắc đã hạnh phúc.
People who have a lot of money are not necessarily happy.

Lắm lúc tôi cảm thấy mình như người ngoài vậy.
Sometimes I feel like an outsider.

Chơi game cho lắm để rồi đổ bệnh.
You play game so much and then you get sick.

Cố gắng lắm thì cũng chỉ làm được chừng này thôi.
No matter how much I try, I can only do this much.

Usage 2:

Position in sentence :

Is an adverb placed after an adjective or a verb.

Meaning and example :

Meaning: Indicates that a characteristic, a quality or a state is highly appreciated or better than usual according to the speaker.

Note: We can use the following form: không…lắm / không…cho lắm (soften a negative remark or attitude)


Cậu vẽ đẹp lắm!
You painted so well!

Bộ phim ấy thú vị lắm đó! Cậu xem thử đi.
That movie is very interesting! See it once.

Cô ấy hát không được hay cho lắm.
She doesn’t sing very well.

Món ăn này không ngon lắm.
This dish is not very good.

Cậu nói đúng lắm!
You are right!

See other Vietnamese grammar structures in category : vietnamese grammar

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