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Vietnamese grammar

How to use liền in Vietnamese – Vietnamese grammar

Hello everyone! In this post, we will introduce to you the lesson: How to use liền in Vietnamese – Vietnamese grammar.

How to use liền in Vietnamese - Vietnamese grammar

Usage 1:

Position in sentence :

Is an adverb placed before or after the verb.

Meaning and example :

Meaning : Describes the idea that an action takes place immediately after another action.

Note: We can use the following form: liền…ngay (Emphasizes the idea that the action occured immediately, not later)


Nghe chuông điện thoại reo, tôi liền bắt máy.
When the phone rang, I picked up the phone immediately.

Vừa nhận được thông báo đậu đại học, tôi liền gọi điện để báo tin cho ba mẹ biết.
Just after receiving the notice of passing the university, I immediately called to my parents.

Khi cô giáo vừa bước vào lớp, mọi người liền im lặng ngay.
As soon as the teacher entered the classroom, everyone immediately shut up.

Vừa nghe tiếng chuông báo hiệu giờ ra chơi, cả lớp tôi liền chạy ùa ra sân trường.
As soon as hearing the break time bell, we ran to the school yard immediately.

Thấy trời sắp mưa, tôi liền đem quần áo đang phơi ở ngoài vào trong nhà.
It was about to rain, so I immediately took the clothes outside indoors.

Usage 2:

Position in sentence :

Is an adverb placed after a verb.

Meaning and example :

Meaning : Indicates the continuation in time of an action or state, or indicates no distance in space between things.


+ When indicating the continuation in time of an action or state, “liền” can be replaced by “liên tiếp”.

+ When indicating no distance in space between things, “liền” can be replaced by “sát”.

+ We can use the following forms: liền một lúc / liền một mạch / liền một hơi (emphasize the continuation in time of an action or state); liền tay (doing something continuously without interruption or immediately)


Vì quá đói nên tôi ăn liền 5 bát cơm.
Because I was so hungry, I ate 5 bowls of rice at a time.

Tôi ngủ liền một mạch 8 tiếng.
I slept for 8 hours at a stretch.

Trường học và siêu thị ở liền (sát) nhau.
The school and the supermarket are adjacent to each other.

Tôi uống liền (liên tiếp) 4 lon nước ngọt.
I drank 4 cans of drinks in a row.

Nơi này gắn liền với tuổi thơ của tôi.
This place is associated with my childhood.

See other Vietnamese grammar structures in category : vietnamese grammar

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