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Vietnamese grammar

How to use luôn in Vietnamese – Vietnamese grammar

Hello everyone! In this post, we will introduce to you the lesson: How to use luôn in Vietnamese – Vietnamese grammar.

How to use luôn in Vietnamese - Vietnamese grammar

Usage 1:

Position in sentence :

Is an adverb placed before or after the verb.

Meaning and example :

Meaning : Indicates an action that takes place regularly, continuously in a given period of time, or immediately after another action.


– We can use the following forms:

+ Luôn miệng : The continuous movement of the mouth without stopping.

+ Luôn tay / luôn tay luôn chân : The continuous movement of the hands and the legs without stopping.

+ Luôn một mạch / luôn một hơi : Expresses an uninterrupted action.

+ Luôn thể : nhân thể, tiện thể – indicates a condition that is convenient to perform another action, or given the fulfillment of a condition or completion of an action another action immediately follows.

– “Luôn” also indicates a large amount or a high degree according to the speaker when being used in the Southern dialect.


Tôi luôn đi học đúng giờ.
I always go to school on time.

A: Trời mưa lớn quá nhỉ.
B: Hay mình ở nhà luôn đi.
A: It’s raining heavily.
B: Let’s stay home.

Vì quá mệt nên ngay khi về đến nhà, tôi đã đi ngủ luôn.
Because I was so tired, when I got home, I went to sleep immediately.

Hắn ta cứ luôn miệng nói món đồ ấy là của hắn.
He keeps saying that that was his item.

Làm việc luôn tay luôn chân.
Working without stopping.

Nếu cậu ra ngoài thì luôn thể vứt rác hộ tớ luôn nhé.
If you go out, please throw the garbage for me.

Ông ta có mười căn nhà luôn (chỉ số lượng nhiều).
He has ten houses (indicate a large amount)

Usage 2:

Position in sentence :

Is an adverb placed after the verb.

Meaning and example :

Meaning : Indicates the idea that an action / state will continue to occur only in that same direction / sense, not in reverse / opposite sense.

Note: Often used in combination with the verbs: mua, bán, cho, tặng, sống, ở…


Tớ cho cậu quyển truyện ấy luôn đấy.
I give that comic book to you for good.

Tôi quyết định sẽ bán căn nhà này luôn.
I decided to sell this house for good.

Tối nay các cậu ngủ lại đây luôn nhé.
Sleep here tonight for good.

Anh cho em luôn cái đĩa CD ấy được không?
Can you give me that CD, please?

Tớ sẽ mua luôn cả cái này nữa.
I’ll buy this too.

See other Vietnamese grammar structures in category : vietnamese grammar

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