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Vietnamese grammar

How to use những in Vietnamese – Vietnamese grammar

Hello everyone! In this post, we will introduce to you the lesson: How to use những in Vietnamese – Vietnamese grammar.

How to use những in Vietnamese - Vietnamese grammar

Usage 1 :

Position in sentence :

Is an indefinite quantifier.

Meaning and example :

Meaning: Refers to a group to distinguish that group from another group or to  compare it with another one, or refers to an indefinite group.


+ Distinguish between “những” and “các”: “Những” is a plural indefinite quantifier and can be combined with the indefinite pronouns like “gì”, “đâu”, “ai” to indicate an indefinite whole. “Các” is a plural definite quantifier.

+ Distinguish between “những” and “một”: “Những” is a plural indefinite quantifier. “Một” is a singular indefinite quantifier.


Những ai muốn tham gia xin điền vào đơn đăng ký này.
Those who want to participate, please fill in this form.

Hôm qua cậu đã đi đến những đâu?
What places did you go to yesterday?

Những cuốn sách được đặt gọn gàng trên kệ.
The books are neatly placed on shelves.

Những ngôi trường ở địa phương này đều đạt chuẩn quốc gia.
The schools in this area meet national standards.

Cửa hàng đó có bán những bộ quần áo rất đẹp.
That store sells very beautiful clothes.

Usage 2 :

Position in sentence :

Is a particle placed before the numeral, adjective or verb that refers to a psychological state.

Meaning and example :

Meaning: Indicates a very great amount according to the speaker, or to emphasize the qualities of the psychological state.


+ We can use đến / tới + số từ instead of “những” to indicate a very great amount according to the speaker.

+ “Những” is opposite with “chỉ”, “chỉ có”, “có”.

+ We can use the following form: những…là… (indicate a very large amount of something according to the speaker).


Mình những mong thư của anh ấy. Nhưng sao cả tuần vẫn chưa có?
I anxiously wait for his letters everyday, but why has none come to me for a whole week?

Vì đói bụng nên nó ăn những 6 chén cơm. (Hoặc: Vì đói bụng nên nó ăn đến 6 chén cơm.)
Because he was hungry, he ate 6 bowls of rice.

Buổi trưa, tôi ngủ những 6 tiếng.
I slept for 6 hours at noon.

Phòng của cậu ấy toàn những sách là sách.
There are lots and lots of books in his room.

Cái áo này thật đắt, những 400.000 đồng.
This shirt is very expensive. It costs 400,000 VND.

See other Vietnamese grammar structures in category : vietnamese grammar

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