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Vietnamese grammar

How to use quá in Vietnamese – Vietnamese grammar

Hello everyone! In this post, we will introduce to you the lesson: How to use quá in Vietnamese – Vietnamese grammar.

How to use quá in Vietnamese - Vietnamese grammar

Usage 1 :

Position in sentence :

Is a verb.

Meaning and example :

Meaning: Indicates something being above the lawful or allowed limit or a standard.


+ If after “quá” is a specific degree, “quá” can be replaced by “hơn”. However, when talking about the comparison between two people / animals / things, “hơn” and “quá” can’t be interchanged.

Example: Anh ấy hơn tôi hai tuổi. (We don’t say: Anh ấy quá tôi hai tuổi.)
He is two years older than I am.

+ “Quá” can be combined with the noun as follows: quá chén (to be drunk), quá cỡ (to be oversized), quá tuổi (to be over age), quá hạn (to be past the expiration date), quá đáng (to be excessive), quá sức (to be too difficult to do)…


Đừng làm việc quá sức nhé.
Don’t overwork.

Nhìn trẻ vậy thôi chứ cô ấy đã quá 40 tuổi rồi đấy.
Although she looks so young, she is over 40 years old.

Cái áo này không quá 30.000 đồng đâu.
This shirt doesn’t cost more than 30,000 VND.

Hành lý này nặng quá 7kg.
This luggage weighs more than 7kg.

Nó đã quá tuổi đi học rồi.
He is beyond the age of school attendance.

Usage 2 :

Position in sentence :

Is an adverb that is often placed after an adjective or a modal verb.

Meaning and example :

Meaning: Indicates a degree that the speaker considers to be above normal, over the limit or beyond the capacity of the speaker. The adverb “quá” is often used in exclamatory sentences to express the feelings of the speaker about an object that the speaker is perceiving or recently perceived.

Note: We can use the following forms:

+ quá…để…

+ quá chừng / quá cỡ / quá mức / quá sức / quá trời / quá thể / quá đỗi

+ X quá là X: spoken Vietnamese

+ quá lắm (cũng) (chỉ) X (X is considered as the very limit)

+ Action verb (nói, làm, nghĩ, đi…) + quá (spoken Vietnamese): Expresses the meaning “the action described by the action verb is beyond a standard limit or an allowed degree”.


Cô ấy hát hay quá!
She sings very well!

Cô ấy quá trẻ để đảm nhận chức vụ này.
She is too young to take charge of this post.

Phong cảnh ở đây đẹp quá chừng.
The scenery here is so beautiful.

A: Cậu thấy món này thế nào? Có ngon không?
B: Ngon quá là ngon luôn ấy chứ!
A: How is the food? Is it delicious?
B: It’s very delicious!

Anh đừng có nói quá! Thằng nhóc ấy quá lắm cũng chỉ chọc ghẹo người khác cho vui thôi chứ không dám ăn cắp đồ đâu.
Don’t overstate. That boy teases others for fun  at the most, he can’t steal things.

See other Vietnamese grammar structures in category : vietnamese grammar

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