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Vietnamese grammar

How to use sắp in Vietnamese – Vietnamese grammar

Hello everyone! In this post, we will introduce to you the lesson: How to use sắp in Vietnamese – Vietnamese grammar.

How to use sắp in Vietnamese - Vietnamese grammar

Position in sentence :

Is an adverb.

Meaning and example :

Meaning: Indicates an event that will happen in the near future, or an event that was about to happen if another one hadn’t happened.

Note: Distinguish between “sắp”, “suýt” and “gần”:

+ sắp X: X X will happen in the near future. X can be good or bad.

+ suýt X: There is possibility of X to happen, but luckily it didn’t happen. X is considered as a bad thing.

+ gần X: Expresses a approximate level of X. X can be good or bad.


Sắp đến Tết, đường phố trở nên náo nhiệt.
The New Year is coming, the streets become busy.

A: Cậu xong việc chưa?
B: Sắp xong rồi. Chờ tớ một lát nữa thôi.
A: Are you done?
B: Almost done. Just wait for me a little longer.

Trời sắp tối rồi, mau về nhà thôi.
It will get dark soon, let’s go home.

Trời sắp mưa rồi, mau lấy đồ vào thôi.
It’s about to rain, take the clothes into the house.

Thấy con bé ấy có vẻ như sắp khóc, chúng tôi ngưng không chọc ghẹo nó nữa.
Seeing that that girl seemed to be about to cry, we stopped teasing her.

Other examples :

Hôm qua, Hoa sắp đi chợ thì có khách.
Yesterday, when Hoa was about to go to the market, the guests arrived.

2 người đang nói chuyện điện thoại:
A: Cậu đang ở đâu vậy? Buổi hòa nhạc sắp bắt đầu rồi đấy!
B: Tớ đang trên đường đi đây, sắp tới rồi.
The two people are talking on the phone:
A: Where are you? The concert is about to begin!
B: I’m on the way there. I’ll come soon.

Tôi sắp đi du học.
I am going to study abroad.

Chúng tôi sắp chuyển nhà sang nơi khác.
We are going to move to another place.

See other Vietnamese grammar structures in category : vietnamese grammar

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