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Vietnamese grammar

How to use trừ in Vietnamese – Vietnamese grammar

Hi everyone! In this post, we will introduce to you the lesson : How to use trừ in Vietnamese – Vietnamese grammar.

How to use trừ in Vietnamese – Vietnamese grammar

Position in sentence :

Is a preposition. It is placed before a noun or noun phrase.

Meaning and example :

Meaning: Expresses the idea of exception of something that is not taken into account, or to consider the thing that is not in the scope which is affected by an action or a state mentioned in the main clause.


+In many cases, “trừ” can be replaced by “ngoài”.

+We can use the following forms: chỉ trừ, ngoại trừ (these 2 combination carry a stronger nuance that “trừ”), trừ trường hợp, trừ lúc, trừ khi.


Tôi thích xem phim, trừ phim ma.
I like watching movies, except for ghost movies.

Mọi người đều đồng tình với ý kiến của tôi, trừ anh ấy.
Everyone agreed with me, except him.

Tớ sẽ không tham dự bữa tiệc đó, trừ khi cậu đi với tớ.
I won’t attend that party unless you come with me.

Anh không nên đồng ý, trừ trường hợp bị bắt buộc.
You shouldn’t agree, except in the case that you are forced to.

Cậu ấy làm việc ở nhà nên hiếm khi ra ngoài, trừ lúc có việc quan trọng cần phải lên công ty để giải quyết.
He works at home so he rarely goes out, except when there are important things that he needs to go to the company to deal with.

Mọi người đều tham gia biểu diễn cho buổi hòa nhạc, ngoại trừ cô ấy.
Everyone participated in performing for the concert, except her.

Tất cả đều vỗ tay tán thưởng sau khi nghe ca sĩ ấy hát, chỉ trừ anh ấy.
Everyone applauded after hearing that singer sang, except him.

See other Vietnamese grammar structures in category : vietnamese grammar

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