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Common Vietnamese idioms about mother

In this post, Tiếng Việt 24h would like to introduce to you the lesson : Common Vietnamese idioms about mother.

Common Vietnamese idioms about mother

Common Vietnamese idioms about mother

Mẹ tròn con vuông (A healthy delivery)

Meaning : Easily giving birth, both mother and her child are healthy.

Example : Chúc mừng chị mẹ tròn con vuông. Chị đã nghĩ ra tên để đặt cho đứa bé chưa? (For the new mother. Best wishes for you and your baby. Have you thought of a name for the baby?)

Thất bại là mẹ thành công (Failure is the mother of success )

Meaning : There is no success without experiencing hardship and failure. With failure, we can gain experience and achieve bigger success.

Example : Thua trận này thì có làm sao đâu. Qua lần thua này mà chúng ta cũng rút được những kinh nghiệm quý báu, lần sau chúng ta cố gắng không phạm phải những lỗi tương tự nữa thì nhất định sẽ chiến thắng thôi, bởi vì “thất bại là mẹ thành công” mà. (It doesn’t matter if we lose this match. Through this failure, we can gain valuable experiences, and if we try not to make the same mistakes in the next match, we will definitely win, because “failure is the mother of success.”)

Cha mẹ sinh con, trời sinh tính (All men do not follow in the footsteps of their forbears)

Meaning : This idiom means that the personalities of each person depend on not only the guidance of parents but also the external factors.

Example : Cô ta xinh đẹp, duyên dáng thế kia mà tính tình thì chẳng tốt chút nào. Đúng là “cha mẹ sinh con, trời sinh tính”. (She is so beautiful and charming, but her personality is not good at all. All men do not follow in the footsteps of their forebears, after all.)

Con hư tại mẹ, cháu hư tại bà (Mother’s darlings are but milksop heroes)

Meaning : Grandmother and mother pampered their child too much that she/he becomes naughty.

Mẹ góa con côi

Meaning : Referring to widowed and helpless woman raising her children alone.

Example : Chồng mất sớm, giờ đây cô ấy phải sống trong cảnh “mẹ góa con côi”, không nơi nương tựa. (Her husband died early. Now she is helpless and has to raise her child alone.)

Mẹ gà, con vịt

Meaning : The mother and the child are unrelated, there is no real affection between them.

Con có khóc mẹ mới cho bú

Meaning : Babies who are thirsty for milk must cry out loud to be breastfed. If someone needs anything, he must ask for help.

Example : Muốn người khác giúp mà không mở miệng nhờ, chỉ im lặng như vậy thì ai biết mà tới giúp chứ. Nên nhớ rằng “Con có khóc thì mẹ mới cho bú”. (If you want others to help you but you don’t ask them, they won’t come to help you.)

Con có mẹ như măng ấp bẹ

Meaning : The mother always takes good care of her children.

Bắt chấy cho mẹ chồng thấy bồ nông dưới bể

Meaning : Referring to the relationship that is not very close between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Above is : Common Vietnamese idioms about mother. Find out more similar posts in category : Vietnamese idioms

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