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Vietnamese grammar

How to use à in Vietnamese – Vietnamese grammar

Hello everyone! In this post, we would like to introduce you to the lesson : How to use à in Vietnamese – Vietnamese grammar.

How to use à in Vietnamese - Vietnamese grammar

Usage 1:

Position in the sentence :

“À” is an exclamatory word used at the beginning of the sentence.

Meaning and example :

Meaning: Show the surprise of the speaker. It is also used to indicate that the speaker suddenly remembers or realizes something.

Note: “à” can replace “a” to show the surprise of the speaker or to express that the speaker just figures out something.


À, tôi quên đưa cái này cho anh. (The speaker suddenly remembers something)
Oh, I forgot to give this to you.

À, cậu tới rồi. Mau vào đây đi! (Show the surprise of the speaker)
Oh, you’re here. Come here!

À, thì ra là vậy. (The speaker just figures out something)
Oh, I see.

Other examples:

À, cho tôi gửi lời hỏi thăm đến ba mẹ bạn luôn nhé!
Oh, please give my regards to your parents!

À, cho tôi hỏi nhà vệ sinh ở đâu vậy ạ?
Oh, where is the toilet?

À, cậu ấy về rồi sao? Thế thì tôi đành làm cái này một mình vậy.
Oh, is he back? Then I have to do this alone.

À, bạn tìm thầy Nam hả? Thầy ấy bây giờ đang ở trong phòng giáo viên đấy.
Oh, are you finding Mr. Nam? He is in the teacher’s room now.

Usage 2:

Position in the sentence :

“À” is a particle that is placed at the end of a question.

Meaning and example :

Meaning: Ask for more information about something that the speaker is seeing, or express concern of the speaker through the question.


Anh quên mang tiền à? (Hỏi thêm thông tin về điều gì đó mà người nói đang nhận thấy)
You forgot to bring money, didn’t you? (Ask for more information about something that the speaker is seeing)

Anh mệt à? (Thể hiện sự quan tâm của người nói)
You are tired, aren’t you? (Express concern of the speaker)

Other examples:

Cô quen cậu ấy à?
You know him, don’t you?

Anh chưa về à?
You haven’t gone home yet, have you?

Anh xem phim này rồi à? Nó có thú vị không. Hãy kể cho tôi nghe với.
You watched this movie, didn’t you? Is it interesting? Tell me.

Bạn đã đến Huế rồi à? Huế chắc là đẹp lắm nhỉ?
You came to Hue, didn’t you? Hue is very beautiful, isn’t it?

Anh ra ngoài à? Vậy anh mang cái đồng hồ này đi sửa luôn nhé!
You are going out, aren’t you? Please bring this watch to get it fixed!

Above is : How to use à in Vietnamese – Vietnamese grammar. See other Vietnamese grammar structures in category : vietnamese grammar

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