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Vietnamese grammar

How to use “mới” in Vietnamese – Vietnamese grammar

Hello everyone! In this post, we will introduce to you the lesson: How to use “mới” in Vietnamese – Vietnamese grammar.

How to use "mới" in Vietnamese - Vietnamese grammar

Usage 1:

Position in sentence :

Is an adverb.

Meaning and example :

Meaning: Expresses an action or a point of time, prior to the moment of speaking, which occurred a short time ago according to the speaker.

Note: We can use the following forms: vừa mới; mới vừa


Cậu ấy vừa mới về rồi.
He has just come home.

Họ mới vừa đến.
They have just arrived.

Tớ mới mua được một cái váy rất đẹp.
I just bought a very beautiful dress.

Mới vừa nãy tôi còn gặp cô ấy ở đây mà, sao giờ lại không thấy đâu nữa rồi?
I just met her here a while ago, where does she go?

Tôi mới nhận được một bức thư từ gia đình.
I just received a letter from my family.

Usage 2:

Position in sentence :

Is an adverb.

Meaning and example :

Meaning: Indicates that up to the present time, the duration of time is short, ot the amount, number or degree of something is small, according to the speaker.


– “Mới” can be replaced by “chỉ”, “có”. However, “mới” often restricts the time up to the moment of speaking.

– We can use the following forms:

+ mới đầu: lúc bắt đầu, lúc đầu

+ mới đây: gần đây

+ mới…(mà) đã…: expresses the quality of being early, small in number or low degree

+ mới đó đã…: indicates a state, an event, an action that happened recently, but it implies that the time passed quickly

+ mới…thôi: emphasizes the limited amount of time or degree of what has been said

+ Mới thôi!


Mới đầu tôi còn tưởng cô ấy là người Nhật Bản nhưng hóa ra là người Việt Nam.
At first, I thought she was Japanese, but she is Vietnamese.

Mới có 8 giờ tối thôi. Vẫn còn sớm mà.
It’s just 8pm. It’s still early.

Mới 5 giờ mà đã ăn tối rồi sao?
It’s just 5pm, it’s too early to have dinner, isn’t it?

Cô ấy mới hai mươi thôi.
She’s just twenty years old.

A: Anh đến lâu chưa?
B: Mới thôi!
A: Have you been here long?
B: I’ve just arrived.

Usage 3:

Position in sentence :

Is a preposition.

Meaning and example :

Meaning: Indicates the relationship between the condition and the result.

Note: We can use the following forms: chỉ…mới…; có…mới…; đến…mới…(indicates an event that occurs at a specific time that is later than the expected time); mãi…mới…(it’s similar to đến…mới…, but its meaning is stronger).


Tôi phải làm cho xong công việc này rồi mới được về.
I have to finish this job before I can go home.

Có thử thì mới biết mình có làm được hay không.
Only by trying doing it can you know whether you can do it or not.

Sản phẩm này phải đến mai mới có hàng.
This product is not available until tomorrow.

Hôm qua, mãi 1 giờ sáng tớ mới ngủ được.
Yesterday, I couldn’t sleep until 1am.

See other Vietnamese grammar structures in category : vietnamese grammar

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